2010-04-26 3 comments By: asdf0123

MUET and Me

Let me start with the normal opening - It's been a long time since I last updated my blog (both), haha. Not really busy or running out of idea, but just not in mood to write. But previously I was really annoyed by R&D.

After getting rid of R&D, I thought I was going to blog about it very soon. But then I realized I was not the right mood. I need more time. And until now, I still want to relax more, release more.

Coming right after the R&D project, it's MUET test, including reading (comprehension), writing (essay) and listening. Or maybe this made me a little bit more nervous, because by now, out of Form 6 subjects, what I really care is MUET.

So why do I care about it so much? Maybe it has something to do with my first ambition. Erm, since it's a bit sensitive, so I am not to tell out this moment. Overall, I don't like English, but I have to learn English, with no interest.

The will of studying English came into my mind during my Form 5 time, if not mistaken. That's the time I started to make an effort to improve my English, but not really much. What I did that time was try to make proper sentences, with lesser grammar mistakes. In term of vocabulary, I was left so far behind the train, so I didn't have the heart to memorize English words yet.

However, that didn't make much difference. But I did get some praise from teacher. Until the time I entered Form 6, I knew I needed to make a change. A little grammar may be impressing in essay, but lack of vocabulary just makes the article meaningless. Therefore I started to approach English medias. I read some IT news in English, watch some NBA videos, in English. LoL.

OK, be serious. The time when I joined Form 6, I was in high band 2. All I knew were present tense, past tense, present continuous and other simple grammar rules which we already learned in primary school. However, I was lucky enough to get high band 2 because compared to many of the students who don't know about tenses, I still have something left.

And I still remember, I have one friend who can't understand chinese. Due to my poor English command, I used to talk with him in Malay, from Form 1 to Form 5. But after I reach Form 6, I saw everyone talked to him in English, regardless how well they can speak. So I was thinking, it's time to change. And from that day on, until now, I never speak Malay with those who can understand English (excluding Malays).

Now it's been nearly 1 year. My past exam result in MUET was high band 3, with 4 marks left to get band 4. Yeah, only 4 marks. I can't say I am really commited, but I see the result. What I have been doing works.

To sort out briefly, that's the reason why I do care about MUET result. I came here with high band 2, I hope to get out of here with at least band 4. I know I've got no much time to waste - After this year I will be 20, English would be essential.

Hopefully you can see my improvement in this passage. Sometimes when I was looking back, I even felt surprised because I couldn't understand such a common word, or I did very idiotic mistakes. And before I end, I tell you what I've prepared for this exam. Watching James Bond trailer (for listening) and Michael Jordan (for fun), reading a few interviews of Lee Kuan Yew and John's blog (writing and reading) and the last moment, I did revision on graphs and charts. They do help, but how was the exam, I will explain next time, which is considered quite negative.

Oh yeah, before I forget, for those who are taking MUET, good luck. The exam is not over yet, let's strive together to get what we should get, or what we could get. Lastly, the classic single word ending - Cheers.