2010-01-29 By: asdf0123

Chasing Game Is Now On The Roads

Nothing to be surprise if you're from my school. We are having a long-distance running contest on next Wednesday. Our school used to name it "Merentas Desa", which refers to something like steeplechase. But then they found it isn't suitable, because we're actually running on the roads, around housing areas. And finally they decided to call it a "Road Run", weird, isn't it?

It sounds like we are having fun on the roads, lol. Yet in actual fact, we do chase each other along the roads. I wonder who was doing the calculation, the school claims that the total distance for guys is 7.5km, while girls' is 5km. Nobody knows how far this is true, haha. That would mean guys have to run 50% of distance more than the girls do. That's fun anyway.

Talking about the contest, we just had our first and the last practice on this Tuesday. According to normal schedule, we would be playing basketball at that time, but then the activity had been replaced with road run training.

The weather was just fine. Just before the training started, the rain had stopped. And while we're running, the temperature wasn't as high as usual, yet some people still felt dizzy after that, haha.

Let's talk about how it went. Without wasting much time, the game just started. I speed up to hold the first position, not only because I want to know my condition, but also to figure out who would be the rugged competitors.

Just after the main road in front of my school, Mr.D crossed me. Lol, that's a little too fast, as I was'nt jogging at a low speed. Then I took that as a challenge. We kept running but he was still running in front me.

Before we reached the next junction, my stomach started to pain. Erm, it's actually not at the stomach, it's somewhere near the heart and ribs and stomach. So can I call it a stomach ache? I wonder how it could happen, and that's not the first time. Therefore, I was thinking, is that because I didn't run long distance for a long time or I didn't warm up before the game?

The story had to be continued though, haha. So I tried to jog or run slowly, as much as I can. However it didn't work, all I saw was people crossing me 1 by 1, while I have no chance to catch up. Whenever I want things to go smooth, I felt more pain. I knew I couldn't continue if I don't calm down mentally. I've no idea but stopped more and rest more, by this at least I stand a better chance to recover.

And I really really wonder why, my pain hadn't ended as I went further, until the time when I was going to finish the second housing area (3 totally, both guys and girls run the 2nd). I walked slowly and somehow caught up 2 girls in front of me. Then I greeted them and chat something for fun. You know, I like to play. Then I said, I am going to runaway from your sight. Then I just ran.

While I was running "gracefully" with a bit pain, someone, who's nearby, speed up and crossed me. While he passed by another 2 Indian girls, one of them told him, "You're the 11th!" That sound was so loud that I can't miss any words. Then I say, "Number 11th is here!" Then I just speed up as if I was crazy. Yeah, there's something wrong with my nerves, lol. But then miracle happened.

When I ran at a high speed, I felt no more pain. Weird right? Finally, the "curse" had ended, yeah. Then I crossed 2 guys in a row. However, happy thing wasn't totally happy, that time I realized I didn't have much air left to breath smoothly. Haha, I know, that's my bad. Then I turned to the last housing area, and saw something strange - 4 people including Mr.D were there in front!

Well, Mr.D ran the wrong way, then only turned back to the right one, so it took time and energy. But he's still number one, like no contest. The other 3 guys continued to run with me, and after that, the 2nd guy disappeard with Mr.D.

Left only Mr.A, Mr.X and me. Mr.X challenged me mentally and I lost. Sad, lol. He even crossed Mr.A and become number 3rd. Then I felt like giving up because Mr.A never stopped and I was gaspping for breath.

Here comes the interesting part! I was being crazy for the second time. When I reached the junction and met the girls, Mr.X was already running on the last road. May all because of girls, lol, I told myself, I want to have my last try.

In my guess, Mr.X had never stopped, so he won't have enough energy to accelerate to the ending point. Immediately, I started to accelerate steadily to approach him. When I was a few steps behind, he accelerated too. And I was left behind. I can't continue on chasing anymore because I would be the one to get tired before him. So I stopped. Walked and observed what he did.

Just awhile after, he stopped accelerating and continue jogging slowly. That time, I saw the chance, a big chance. While walking, I reserved my energy and breath. I wanted to cross him using my speed. And I know possibly he couldn't accelerate longer than I did because he would have run out of energy. When everything's well prepared, I accelerate as much as I can, and he did the same thing.

As expected, he was unable to defend. He wasn't able to run faster than I did and had to stop due to lack of energy. That was the final minute. Eventually I crossed him. Haha. I was shouting crazily to celebrate (but don't ever think I lc).

That was so excited. Not only because I made what I planned, but also mostly because that was the first time I did such thing. Yeah, the first time. The first time I cross people by speeding up and made it around 10 meters away from the finish line, in final minutes. I made another record for myself, although that's nothing great. Yet it's actually more fun than what we think.

The practice was so beautiful (of course the weather, too). And hopefully everything becomes better when it comes to the real competition. Wish me good luck, ok? There will be no more pain, no more gasping but more girls. Hahaha, cheers.


. 提到...

Walau, simple story stretch until so long?? :P

asdf0123 提到...

LoL, don't you know we have to write 350 words in MUET exam? Anyway, I tried to write out the important details to keep it as a memory. Hey, your post seems to be much longer than mine XD

腳亞子 提到...
asdf0123 提到...

Above there... Your comment has been deleted because it contains some porn links, I wonder if you do that on purpose, or just without realizing. Anyway, sorry for inconvenience caused.