2009-10-08 By: asdf0123

The Answer

First of all, I am not talking about Allen Iverson, haha.

As mentioned in the previous post, the match held. And the answer? I lost 2 games. Yeah, it's strange to say that after losing a game, I was still able to go to the final.

Before the match, I felt sick for 2 days, more or less. It wasn't a sick, but kind of. Sometime I was fine, but most of the time not. However, when I was in game, I din't feel sick. Haiz, too bad that I couldn't put all the blame into the sickness, haha. Perhaps the only effect is feeling a little bit tired in the game.

Ok, it is time to stop crapping. Starting from the first match, my shooting was terrible. If not mistaken, I made the first basket in the first match, and after that I don't think I made any basket. That's not enough, I missed too many easy baskets. My team almost lose the first game because of that, with the gap of only 1 point. Yeah, my team won in that game, but I lost though.

Surprisingly we went to the final. The opposing team was too strong for us, though we still stood a chance to win, if I played well. Their defence wasn't that official --- with a lot of illegal body contacts. What I can say is I contributed a lot in defence, but on the offensive side, I did nothing to help, other than a missed shot.

I got skills, but couldn't exert. When defenders defended me in a distance, I don't dare to shoot. When defenders came near to me, I didn't have the speed to cut through them. (wonder why?) There were some times that I crossed to the basket, but then I missed the baskets. Maybe because of this, one of my teamate decided to control the ball, instead of letting me to be the controler. He should take rebounds and receive the passes from me. But the positions changed, all was playing outside and there was no rebounder.

In the last minute, I was holding the ball, and decided to believe myself. I knew there's no much time left, what I could do was score as fast as I could. Before the opposing players reached their positions, I penetrated to the basket while crossing 2 players. Yeah, I was fast enough to do that. Then, I faked a shot to let another defender to jump over me.

That was the chance to score. To prevent 3 seconds violation and to avoid defence from another 2 players on my left, I took an instant shot. You know, it was right in front of the basket, but I still missed it. Damn. What the damn. I got everything right but missed the shot. Somemore it was a critical shot. I destroyed the last chance for my team to continue the game.

Just after that, one of the opposing players on my left got the rebound. Then passed. Then passed to another player. Then finally reached to a player in front of our basket to make an easy lay up. The ball went in.

Gone. Everything was gone. And it's caused by me. I cannot forgive myself. Really. The games were over but I cannot stop myself to say sorry. My teamates won 1 lost 1. I lost both. Please blame me. Thanks. Otherwise I won't feel comfortable.