2009-12-12 By: asdf0123

Break & Couple

Don't be curious. It's about the same story again. LoL.

Here comes a good news. Before that, yesterday I was spending my time to wait for the card. Yeah, it's waiting, again. Just a few minutes before 5pm, I'd totally lost my patience and complained to their customer service.

According to them, the problem may caused by the delivery company (CitiLink?). They would make reports and find out the problem. And they said, they will contact me within 24 hours.

And something ridiculous happened. At around 6.30pm to 7pm, when the sky is turning darker and darker, the card was arrived. Too bad that I wasn't at home that time. But luckily, they allow my family to receive the letter with the condition to show my IC. Yeah, I don't usually bring IC when I go out, especially when I was going for basketball.

When I reached home, I followed the instructions given in the letter, to confirm everything with them. They told me the line will be activated within 2 days time. So the only thing I need or have to do is wait. (again?)

The good news fell on this morning. When I woke up, I saw 2 messages. 1 of them is from Digi and another one is from Umobile. In short, they was informing me that the porting have been successfully done. The new SIM card has started to work.

And I did that after getting everything done. Before removing the old card, I was gazing at my phone. I wonder if anything on the screen will change when I use a different card later.

Without spending too much of time, I removed the card from my phone. And that means my relationship with my old operator has officially ended. I looked this moment as a breaking with someone that accompanied me quite a period of time.

The only difference using the new card is, the word "3G" is no longer exist on my phone's surface. For your information, this is the second time I couple with Digi. Shall our relationship goes further, cheers.


. 提到...

LOL, nothing else to blog about?

asdf0123 提到...

Haha, have to finish the topic first mah. And you know lah, my language is such terrible. Let me take some time to digest your words, then i will try to write again, haha.