2010-02-18 By: asdf0123

Happy Belated New Year!

Lol, sorry I'm late again.

Just to wish you all a Happy New Year. And never forget those who are suffering at another corner of the world. Yeah, we are having fun through the festival, but there're just too many who are suffering.

A new year has come. All I wish is the world to be peace. To achive that, please respect each other's religion and love the earth. It's just that simple. Whoever thinks other religions are evil or try to slander any other religion, he/her is heading to hell. Same thing happens on those who intentially tranlate their religions wrongly or promote their own religions in immoral ways.

While saying about religions, I'm always serious. I am not to discuss with zero knowledge. I hope you all understand I never meant to offend or to do something bad. I always make sure all information given to be constructive and flawless (as I can). When I heard about people burn church or throw wild boar's head to mosque, I was really really sad. The sin is bigger than what we can think of.

The fact is there're too many offenders, some are even haters, I wonder why. Believe what they believe is more than enough, why attack others' to promote their owns'? If they just do orally, then they're idiot. But if they do it in action, that means they are evil. For me, they should be punished by law. Not because I dislike them, it's because they destroy world's peace and bring disasters.

An example, destroying Buddha's figure, which happens in this civilized country. Another example, claiming Einstein and Darwin are pro-Christianity, while the facts are Einstein didn't belong to any religion and they both doubt Christianity. Besides, there's over 90% of monks and buddhists provide misleading or totally wrong information about Buddhism, no wonder people saying Buddhism is superstitious?

The world needs peace. Don't cause trouble. Every religion wants harmony, love, but not to destroy other religions. If you think hating on races is idiotic, the same logic falls on religious issues. Isn't it?

And, together we live, together we take care of each other's survival. So treat the earth well. I really wish to see the earth to be healthy, fresh and beautiful. Let the greenness maintains as it was.

Again, sorry for my poor English. Those are my new year wishes, how about yours? Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers and Happy New Year ^ ^

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Hong Bao Na Lai


. 提到...

Yeah, Gong Xi Fa Cai

asdf0123 提到...

You should get married earlier, so I can take ang pau from you every new year, sounds good right?

. 提到...

I can only give 10 sen ang pau

asdf0123 提到...

better than no ^ ^

asdf0123 提到...

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