2010-01-18 By: asdf0123

Cute Girls

LoL. Yeah, I'm going to talk about cute girls in this post, no kidding, haha. So, don't be surprise, please. XD

Erm... Before that, don't ever think that my reason disappear from blog is observing girls. Lol. In fact, Form 6 life has become busier than I can think of. Especially when R&D those kinds of stuff intrudes into a timetable.

Back to the topic. My idea of writing this comes on the day I went to tuition last Saturday. At one of the break time, I saw a nigger (not racist, but I really don't know what's the better word), which is an around father-aged man, standing outside of my classroom. The distance was not far that I can see him clearly. I then attracted by the little girl playing alone, just beside him.

The black little one is probrably his daughter. And heck, she looks so freakingly cute! With the hair of Iverson's style (lol), big black eyes with deep double eyelids and everything that how a nigger does look like, she gains so much attention from me - not only me though, there're many other than me. I don't know how to describe more about her, but she's just almost everything positive, in term of cuteness.

You know, the outlook of a nigger is like a rhythm of art. The way they act, the way they speak (American English), the way they make their music... I like their muscles, especially Michael Jordan's, haha, sorry Tracy and Kobe. And, I like the way the girls groom themselves, you know, with some kinds of ear rings, handbags or other classic adornments.

Erm, besides, the little girl had remind me of another black girl I saw during one of the car lessons. She was the only nigger and the only one who doesn't know Malay, I think. However, she didn't look like not listening. At another corner, I can't take my eyes off her, hahaha. Funny? But that's what happened. I watched her from the very top to very bottom, I just didn't want to miss any inch of her.

Hey, don't interpret it another way, I'm not that kind of person, ok? What I was saying is, niggers are really cute and attractive (to me, of course), regardless of gender. Oh, before I forget, she asked me something while I was walking pass her. I don't remember what she asked, but that's definitely not the reason I looked at her regularly. And I bet she didn't and won't even know, haha...

Well, I know not everyone shares the same view. Talking about cute girls, China's are not bad, too. Yeah, I meant cute, haha. Maybe their faces are not as pretty as others, but they're cute in term of... Errr... Funny. Haha.

Please don't get me wrong, what I meant is they look funny, just that simple, haha. Most of the time I msn with them, I got excited with a smile on face. It sounds pervert, right? Haha. Keep the word for yourself. I did react that way because I like the way they express themself, no matter in term of words, tones or facial expressions.

They are really fun to contact with. That may because they maintain the conservative living style. It happens like we are back to our parent's time, when the guys and girls didn't express their love like we do. Lol, I can't help smiling now. I miss the time she told me about her live, especially while saying about relationship. Her expressions are kind of funny and interesting, especially when she's shy, haha.

What other types of girls that are cute? Could it be Malaysian? Yeah, I do think so, but mostly not Klang Valley people, haha. Anyway, these may be the only girls I think (based on area or races) are cute and it will never be any blue-eye girl, which I myself wonder why.

So, the conclusion? Girls are cute in many different ways. To judge, it's all depends on personal taste. So which types of girls are delicious to you? Don't be parsimonious to share opinions of yours, cheers.


. 提到...

WTF?? You are probably the only guy I know who can talk about how cute a little girl is and sound racist. Oi, don't use nigger la. How about African American??

And not China's la. Chinese. Chinese from China. Wow, you got Chinese from China girlfriend?

And wow, parsimonious. This word I also I dunno wor. Geng.

asdf0123 提到...

haha, where got racist... youtube people also use black and nigger, so i am so used to them. so if they are malaysian, then we call them african malaysian? haha, so complecated name, can't i just say black or nigger in a respect way? in chinese we call "black people".

i love the yellows and blacks actually. anyway, those 2 words sound really racist arh? i scare later people scold me for using those words.

Chinese from China also very long leh, can i use China girl?

Hey, that one is not girlfriend lah, it's girl friend. haha, i got another chinese from china boy friend in facebook. by the way, the word parsimonious is what i get from dictionary at the time i was writing this post, so i also originally don't know the meaning, haha.