2009-12-12 2 comments By: asdf0123

Break & Couple

Don't be curious. It's about the same story again. LoL.

Here comes a good news. Before that, yesterday I was spending my time to wait for the card. Yeah, it's waiting, again. Just a few minutes before 5pm, I'd totally lost my patience and complained to their customer service.

According to them, the problem may caused by the delivery company (CitiLink?). They would make reports and find out the problem. And they said, they will contact me within 24 hours.

And something ridiculous happened. At around 6.30pm to 7pm, when the sky is turning darker and darker, the card was arrived. Too bad that I wasn't at home that time. But luckily, they allow my family to receive the letter with the condition to show my IC. Yeah, I don't usually bring IC when I go out, especially when I was going for basketball.

When I reached home, I followed the instructions given in the letter, to confirm everything with them. They told me the line will be activated within 2 days time. So the only thing I need or have to do is wait. (again?)

The good news fell on this morning. When I woke up, I saw 2 messages. 1 of them is from Digi and another one is from Umobile. In short, they was informing me that the porting have been successfully done. The new SIM card has started to work.

And I did that after getting everything done. Before removing the old card, I was gazing at my phone. I wonder if anything on the screen will change when I use a different card later.

Without spending too much of time, I removed the card from my phone. And that means my relationship with my old operator has officially ended. I looked this moment as a breaking with someone that accompanied me quite a period of time.

The only difference using the new card is, the word "3G" is no longer exist on my phone's surface. For your information, this is the second time I couple with Digi. Shall our relationship goes further, cheers.
2009-12-10 2 comments By: asdf0123

Yesterday's Story

As I mentioned in the previous post, the SIM card should arrive to me today. However, at around 11 o'clock this morning, digi phoned me again. And, they brought me a bad news.

Due to some "server flaws", the card can't be delivered today. And, according to them, tomorrow is Selangor's public holiday. Therefore they will send me the card on Saturday, hopefully everything will be running smooth.

What else to say? I've been waiting and waiting, and the result? Is still waiting. Anyway, since I have no other ideas, the only thing I can do is to maintain my patience.

OK. Let's say I get hold of the card on this Saturday, that is 13th. My current credit is valid until that day, that means I can't make any call on 14th. Holding the card, I am to call digi's line to confirm anything, before proceeding to the last process. This process takes from 1 to 2 days, according to digi's site. So, I can't sms or call in these 1 or 2 days or probably more than that.

Lastly, hopefully nothing will go wrong after this. Otherwise, I may have to pay another RM10 to top up for continue using "Umobile Prepaid". Again, wish me a good luck, cheers.
2009-12-09 0 comments By: asdf0123

018? Digi? Umobile?

After being quite passive for several days (or several weeks perhaps), I've finally decided to write a new post.

So... What happened these days? Should I say, my life is totally boring? No basketball, no outing, no dating, no kissing, no hugging and haiz, the only thing I enjoyed is, dreaming.

Yeah. Everyday I wake up late, just for dreaming. Sometimes I woke up to pee, but then I returned to bed, just to continue my sweet dream.

So, now I'm going to talk about something different. Recently, I've decided to switch operator, from Umobile to Digi. For the reason why, it's because I can't agree with Umobile move at all. For me, they are trying to trick their customers.

The trick started with an sms which informs me that there'll be a new rate plan from the first of December this year. And, I failed to get any information about that through its site, until the day the new rates applied.

OK, now, I've a question to ask you all. Is that a "must" to let customers know the price before they pay? I bet you get it right, and that's the right that every single customer should have. And company should let them know the price, clearly, to provide them confidence. Am I right?

And another thing. As what I remember, some features are permanent, and the others are promotion, which means only for temperarily. When I looked up the information, I found that some "permanent" features has become "promotion", and they've been canceled. That reason is, the promotion period is ended. OK, and the last thing. Since some significant features are abolished, then can you give me a reason to choose Umobile? Or even continue using it?

For more information, have a look at this page (tell me if it's no longer available): http://corporate.u.com.my/docs/NewRatesFAQ.pdf

The only thing I really care is, they are playing business trick, and this burned me up. So... Few days ago, I applied for MNP, to port to Digi, while maintaining my 018 prefix. And... The last news so far, Digi has phoned me this morning, saying that they will deliver the SIM card to my house tomorrow.

Haiz... Tomorrow. Still long to go. I can't wait. I have been waiting for almost 5 days. Yet receiving the "chip" doesn't mean hassle-free. There are still some steps have to be done, before I can really get rid of Umobile.

So, wish me a good luck, please. I will kindly sacrifice my lovely kiss. Haha, good night and cheers.
2009-11-24 0 comments By: asdf0123

Oh Yeah!

Oh Yeah!!!

Going to tell you all something... Something that is really exciting (for me at least)... And... Never mind. Let me finish the story.

Erm, yeah, it's about basketball, again, lol. For some of you, that's quite boring, I know. Yet I can't stop myself sharing the happiness with you'll. OK, it's time to stop crapping and start my story.

I bet you know Mike (Michael Jordan) has been recognized as hall of famer not long ago. And, he delivered a long speech (around 20 minutes) while the ceremony was going on. That speech is very valuable as he revealed many things that you and I wanted to know.

For being too candid, some people may have a negative perception on him after the speech. But in fact, he just spoke out what's happening in the past years. Only by that, people will know what set him apart and finally become the best of all time.

So the story is, I've been looking for the full transcript of his speech. One of the reasons is I want to keep that for own collection, and another reason, you know, my English level is as poor as you can think of, therefore I can't get the words from Mike with just watching the video once (in NBA.com). So, another move planned by me is to download the video.

Here comes the problem, I can't found the transcript. (It happened few weeks ago so I don't know whether there's an update.) So, what I did is try to get the video. Unlike other broadcasting sites, NBA videos are not that easy to be downloaded. Yet I tried several ways and finally found something works, that's using a trial version of GetFLV.

The reason why I used that software in trial version is I don't want to find any way to crack any software like I used to do always. Having a little sense of moral, I was trying to get free softwares as I can.

So the good news is, FINALLY I GET THE VIDEO!

Oh yeah. The next thing I am going to do is watch the video over and over again, to understand what he's trying to say. And... If possible, I will try to write out the transcript of it, full. OK, cheers and good night :)
2009-11-13 0 comments By: asdf0123


Before that I thought today shall be a peaceful day, and it should be.

In this morning, during school time, my friend and I had decided to play basketball after school. As what we've planned, at around 3.30pm, we reached to a nearby basketball court. He then put his school bag on the chair near to the court.

And you know what? During the games, somehow, his bag...... has been stolen! You're right, it's a school bag, a big-sized school bag. Nobody knows why it could happen, since the bag was on the chair just in front of the court. But then noone noticed what happened.

After that, my friend and I tried to find that bag, and of course, we found nothing. Then we asked an old man who was sitting in front of his house for a long time, his answer was roughly like this, "budak india yang naik motor sudah ambil, saya ingat itu dia punya." Then only we know, the bag was really being stolen. That happened in a moment that nobody noticed it.

Sad to say that such a big bag can be stolen during a normal day, while we're doing a normal thing. Somemore his purse was still inside the bag, which means his IC, licence, money has lost. What should we blame? Moral decline or self carelessness? However the most important thing to think of is how to get back his textbooks and other lost belongings. I feel so so so sorry about that.

As can be seen, I din't update my blog for a period of time. And I know someone is eagerly waiting, haha. Erm, actually I have few more topics to share currently, but just leave it to the next posts, cheers.
2009-10-15 0 comments By: asdf0123

I'm Back

What's up babe? I've just came back from court. The good news is - overall, everything went just fine. Lol. Actually I got nothing to say, but just feel like blogging.

Remember the final match? Indeed, I have bought a pair of handbags to tie on legs just before that day. Yeah, one day is not enough to help. Yet it spoilt my performances after that.

I cannot forget how I miss all the easy baskets during those matches. I've been trusted, but I made everyone disappointed. The effects haven't end though. After that day, as long as I was in court, I've poor shooting. Just miss and miss and miss. Even when I was just in front of the basket, my field goals made won't more than 60%. That's terrible.

Perhaps this is because of the sandbags. I've tied them on my legs for few days (including days after the matches). I couldn't explain what are the causes, but I feel a bit imbalance while playing, especially when landing on ground from a jump. Is this the cause of my poor shooting after that? Well, I don't know. But this may be one of the factors.

Today is just different. I came back to the court in this morning. I started to control the ball, with some moves. Surprisingly, everything went smooth. I tried to made shots, and it was better than I expected. Yeah, the curse has finally broken.

Coincidently, a coach and some trainees were there too. They've been there for practicing. Therefore I've the chance to learn from them. Haha. At the same time, I, at the other side of the court was playing as usual. I took roles like what I used to be. However, the players there are just plain players, so I could do things slowly and carefully, as a long warm-up after the depression period.

In conclusion (writing essay?), I am back. Yeah. Maybe I still need some time to get back to normal. But I am satisfied enough. Because I still severely suck yesterday, compared to today's performance. Again, sorry for my poor English. Cheers.
2009-10-08 0 comments By: asdf0123

The Answer

First of all, I am not talking about Allen Iverson, haha.

As mentioned in the previous post, the match held. And the answer? I lost 2 games. Yeah, it's strange to say that after losing a game, I was still able to go to the final.

Before the match, I felt sick for 2 days, more or less. It wasn't a sick, but kind of. Sometime I was fine, but most of the time not. However, when I was in game, I din't feel sick. Haiz, too bad that I couldn't put all the blame into the sickness, haha. Perhaps the only effect is feeling a little bit tired in the game.

Ok, it is time to stop crapping. Starting from the first match, my shooting was terrible. If not mistaken, I made the first basket in the first match, and after that I don't think I made any basket. That's not enough, I missed too many easy baskets. My team almost lose the first game because of that, with the gap of only 1 point. Yeah, my team won in that game, but I lost though.

Surprisingly we went to the final. The opposing team was too strong for us, though we still stood a chance to win, if I played well. Their defence wasn't that official --- with a lot of illegal body contacts. What I can say is I contributed a lot in defence, but on the offensive side, I did nothing to help, other than a missed shot.

I got skills, but couldn't exert. When defenders defended me in a distance, I don't dare to shoot. When defenders came near to me, I didn't have the speed to cut through them. (wonder why?) There were some times that I crossed to the basket, but then I missed the baskets. Maybe because of this, one of my teamate decided to control the ball, instead of letting me to be the controler. He should take rebounds and receive the passes from me. But the positions changed, all was playing outside and there was no rebounder.

In the last minute, I was holding the ball, and decided to believe myself. I knew there's no much time left, what I could do was score as fast as I could. Before the opposing players reached their positions, I penetrated to the basket while crossing 2 players. Yeah, I was fast enough to do that. Then, I faked a shot to let another defender to jump over me.

That was the chance to score. To prevent 3 seconds violation and to avoid defence from another 2 players on my left, I took an instant shot. You know, it was right in front of the basket, but I still missed it. Damn. What the damn. I got everything right but missed the shot. Somemore it was a critical shot. I destroyed the last chance for my team to continue the game.

Just after that, one of the opposing players on my left got the rebound. Then passed. Then passed to another player. Then finally reached to a player in front of our basket to make an easy lay up. The ball went in.

Gone. Everything was gone. And it's caused by me. I cannot forgive myself. Really. The games were over but I cannot stop myself to say sorry. My teamates won 1 lost 1. I lost both. Please blame me. Thanks. Otherwise I won't feel comfortable.
2009-10-02 0 comments By: asdf0123

Under Pressure

Tell you all something. I am feeling very worry about next Monday match. It is a small basketball contest organized by our school students.

Yeah, I know, you may think that I am kinda foolish. Sincerely and honestly, I never ever scare losing. It is just a battle, there will be winners and losers. Though I don't want to lose.

I told this to my friend, their responds are likely negative --- You are not fighting for your state, but in school only, that means winning or losing doesn't mean anything. Yeah, I admit that I took it quite serious. I don't expect to get the prizes or whatever rewards, all I want is just to win, I WANT TO WIN.

At first, I was quite confident facing the next team. I was confident on my offensive skills and my ability to stop some opponents from getting easy baskets. But a fact has been forsaken --- in our team there're only me and another guy can do things at safe level. While the opponent team included 3 players who can score and defend. I was planning to minimize my misses to leave them apart because our defence is too poor.

Yet, later I discovered that scoring is not that easy, although opponent players couldn't really stop me single-handedly. As I tried to play with people who don't know about basketball, I found that their defence is still suffocating. Without proper rules, they could do anything to stop you. While at the same time, you cannot do things that against the rules.

A simple reason, because they don't know how to play, so the referee won't call them for foul easily. So they are franchise players. Now the case is I have to face franchise players, but not rookies.

OK, stop discussing about this. Let's say if we won them, then we would go to the final. On the same day, we will be fighting for the second time, with a real team. The real team means every player inside knows about basketball. It is too difficult for us. They could do defence, we cannot. Everyone of them can score, whereas only 2 of us can score.

You know, defence is the major part of games. Without defence, it is going to be tough --- tougher than we imagined. The only thing to cure is getting a rebounder, that's all I need for now, I don't expect more. If this happened, that means the game became fairer. One of the reason is our team doesn't have a rebounder, and another reason for it is the opponent team also doesn't have a rebounder.

I don't mind if we have to make much more efforts in the fight, but what I hope is fighting with a chance to win. Even myself also couldn't explain why I want to win so much. It is not about rewards or reputation or anything, but when I am in game, I am responsible for it --- for the win. The competition is organized for competition, whereby we could enjoy and experience it.

Therefore, there's no point to devote everything into a sure-lose game. No point to let opponents absolutely own us. No point.

Hopefully everything will just be fine. We will get a suitable player for rebounding. The following games won't cost our energy that much. Well, it is just a dream, lol. Cheers.
2009-09-23 0 comments By: asdf0123


There are only 2 online blog advertising communities I've ever used, that is Google Ads and Nuffnang. Some of you may struggle in choosing the right advertising community, so do I. So, I would like to share my experience of using both ads communities during this short period.

I had started to use Google Ads (in another blog) before using Nuffnang, that was about few months ago, if not mistaken. However, from the start till the end, I never earn even a buck. Anyway, I have to admit that I never put any effort in promoting that blog.

After that, I gave Nuffnang a try, in both of my blogs. To maintain the "glitterati" status, I removed my Google Ads codes. Then, until now, I've earned RM0.50, each blog get 25 cents. I don't know which is better, but I would like to share some of their pros and cons.

Pro: It generally knows user's interest by collecting the keywords they searched by google searching engine. This makes the percentage of clicking the ads higher.
Cons: It is quite boring because its ads are full of words.

Pro: It is more attractive in the first glance because contain nice graphics with animation. I also comes with 3 different sizes. Besides that, the most important thing is, it also pays for Cost Per Unique Visitor, basically I also don't know what is that, haha.
Cons: It is really hard to find a blog template that can support all the 3 sizes of its ads, like what I mentioned in previous post. Another thing is, the ads won't appear in the page regularly. Sometime, it even slow down your blog loading period.

So, what's the conclusion? You may tell me your experience for me to get the right answer. Good night, and sorry for my poor English, hope you all can understand it, lol...
2009-09-19 0 comments By: asdf0123

Tonight, You are Mine

Ah. Ahh. Ahhh!

As what I mentioned in previous post, the templates searching process almost killed me, then I changed my strategy to edit the html codes in the template. After busying for that whole night, I still din't manage to settle the codes.

So, tonight, codes, you are mine. As what I expected, I defeated the codes. Ceh, not even a contest. Haha. Be honest, the codes made me feeling so suffocated. I have to replace the missing pictures, change the colors and fonts, remove the unnecessary components and reorganize the whole thing. Yeah, I think it is done now.

Playing with the codes is not fun at all, but at least I learnt something. Therefore I felt so excited. Haha, something goes wrong...

Again, Selamat Hari Raya Puasa. And good night. Cheers.
2009-09-17 0 comments By: asdf0123


You know what? Blogger templates choked me!

I've devoted myself into template searching. At first, I was looking for Tracy McGrady or NBA theme, but found nothing. Therefore I decided to find green color theme. When I thought I got the right one, you know, it doesn't support nuffnang ads. I meant there is no enough space to put all 3 types of its ads, including header-size ads.

After that, I kept searching and searching. The templates found either contain no enough space as mentioned or contain some errors (eg. picture cannot displayed, descriptions text alignment). The unsatisfied results forced me to give up on searching.

At last? The templates searching campaign had ended up with html codes editting. You know, this is the first time I "communicate" with the html codes so intimately. It took me a few hours - yet I had done nothing. However, I have no other choices because I only can get what is fine for me by editting codes.

The html codes choked me badly. I had a suffocating time. But never mind, I will continue my job tomorrow and you'll see how I defeat the noob codes. Good night. Oh yeah, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, to John and Alvin. (rotf)
2009-09-16 0 comments By: asdf0123

About Blog Template

Few days ago I was trying to search a satisfied template for my blog. But failed. Perhaps of my lack of searching skills. But what to do? Do you have any idea about this?

Actually I tried to search for Tracy McGrady themes. Yet I just found one, which I don't really satisfy with it. I wonder how they creat their own templates. Is there insane skills needed? If not, can anyone teach me?

Yeah, there are quite a lot of sites provide blogger templates. But when come to special themes, such as baller, then the results become lack. It is better if I can creat my own template, of course. So, would you save me? Haha...

2009-09-14 0 comments By: asdf0123

So It Begins

    First of all, I have to say sorry to my friend - John Loo Keat Leong, because I just copied the title from his first post in his blog. Haha. Noone ordered him to write so well. Nonetheless, I won't copy his contents as there's a term, namely 'copyright'. But don't blame me if I imitate your way of writting, haha. 

    For those who don't know much about me, I am a boy. (I think some of you may leave because of this...) I am not nice looking, well built and anything you think may be a good trait in a boy. I am currently at the age of 18 and I am a Chinese from Malaysia. 

    I would like to meet people of different culture, especially Tracy McGrady's fans. Tracy McGrady is the most favorite player of mine. Other than him, i love 2 more guys, namely Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. Of course, all of these are for basketball only. 

    In politics, I prefer Lee Kuan Yew, the first president of Singapore. Erm, what's more? Jet Li, Albert Einstein, Jing Kong and many more. Among singers, perhaps I prefer George Lam, Anita Mui, Sandy Lam etc. I better stop here since I don't think people are interested in it. 

    Now it's the time to tell you all my aim of making this blog. It's just simple - to improve my English. Of course, if you are willing to teach me, you're welcomed. But make sure you won't charge me a buck. Haha.  

    By the way, if you are generous or helpful enough, would you mind to correct my mistake or provide me the better sentences in the post? (John, I know you are that kind. ) 

    So here is the end. Enjoy.